Electrified 02: Hacking Public Space, SMAK, Gent, Belgium, 2010
Tuned City, Tallinn, Estonia, 2011 © Kaisa Sammelselg
Improvisation for parabolic microphone and speaker
Variable duration, 2010
Coproduction SMAK & Vooruit, Gent, Belgium
Urban soundscape bending. Equipped with highly directional parabolic microphone and speaker plugged together, the performer manipulates acoustic fields by moving sounds artificially. Improvising a walk according to the different situations, he reveals to passengers vibratory details of their physical environment and modifies their perception of sonic space. For a few seconds, performer's body becomes an acoustic interface whose position and motion determinates new relationships in the organisation of sonic environment.
Video extract of the performance during Electrified 02: Hacking Public Space,
SMAK, Gent, Belgium, 2010 (silent):